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CCTV9英语新闻:Proposed Obama budget includes major tax hikes_归档信息

Republicans in the United States have instantly rejected President Barack Obama’s 3.8 trillion dollar budget proposal for 2013, which includes $800 billion in new spending proposals combined with ramped up taxes on the wealthiest Americans.

If adopted it would push the annual budget deficit to over one trillion dollars for a fourth year in a row, but it may end up being no more than a politi纯中药治疗癫痫病cal proposal due to the staunch Republican opposition.

The President chose the setting of a community college in the state of Virginia to highlight an $800 billion proposal to increase education funding and build up the nation’s infrastructure.

Barack Obama said, "It says that if we’re serious about investing in our future and investing in community colleges, and investing in new energy technology, and investing in basic research, well, we’ve got to pay for it. And that means we’ve got to make some choices."

So for 2013 he plans to once again increase the deficit by over one trillion dollars, for the fourth year in a row. To help pay for his plans, President Obama is proposing higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations.

Barack Obama said, "Some people go around,长沙到哪看癫痫病好 they say, well, the President is engaging in class warfare. That’s not class warfare. That’s common sense. That’s common sense."

Leading up to the announcement, Republicans have been strong opposing the President’s approach.

Sarah Palin, Republican, said, "Folks this government isn’t too big to fail, it’s too big to succeed...too big to bear any more."

Obama is proposing a 太原看癫痫病专科医院major increase in the tax on earned dividends from investments for the wealthiest 2 percent, a move which would drastically increase the amount paid by Republican presidential front runner Mitt Romney.

The President’s proposals now require the approval from Congress, which Republicans have flatly rejected, proclaiming the budget to be simply a "campaign document.”

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